User Manual
Welcome to the user manual for WattMaestro, designed to provide comprehensive instructions and helpful tips to ensure a smooth User Experience.
This page has been migrated to a dedicated space and will soon be deprecated.
See to see the latest version of this page
You can access the platform via the following link:
Existing account
If you already have an account, click on Login. Enter the e-mail address and the Watt Maestro password in the fields email and password, then click [Login].
New account
If you don’t have an account, click on Create an account and enter your email. An Evalan representative will contact you to get access to the platform.
Reset Password
If needed, you can reset your password by clicking on ‘Forgot Password?’. Enter your email and click [Submit]. If an account exists, an email with a reset password link will be sent to you.
Site Overview
This page display the status of all projects in one view.
Main KPIs
4 KPIs are displayed
Site status: (number of online sites, offline sites)
Sites with a warning: number of sites with one or several offline assets
Total Energy Generation: Displays the total energy generated by all sites
Total Energy Consumption: Displays the total energy consumed by all sites
Tabular view of all sites
For each site (representing 1 gateway BACE and 1 or more assets), the following information are displayed (if applicable):
Site name: Site’s name
Mode: Curtailment, Load balancing, or Monitoring
Location: Short address of the site
Power Generation: Current Power generation kW
Power Consumption: Current Power consumption kW
Last Seen: the last time a message was received from the site
Site Dashboard
The Site Dashboard displays key metrics of the “active” site, which is clicked from the previous screen. Graphs are displayed with relevant data and depends on the type of equipment the gateway (BACE) is connected with.
Date Picker filter
Enter a start date and an end date to display the data in the period selected. All graphs in the the Site Dashboard will be updated with the selected period of time.
A quick picker is also available and allow to select a defined period in one click:
The defined period are the following:
Last 24hr
Last week
Last month
Last quarter
When a predefined period is selected, the start & end dates are updated to reflect the selection.
Export Feature
Access & Date Selection
Export feature allow to download a report of your Site on the Site Dashboard by clicking on Export Dropdown button (see screenshot below)
Choose the dates in Start Date and End Date fields to select the range period of Data to be exported (see screenshot below)
Export Type
A PDF file with the Graphs and Raw Data is downloaded on your browser.
Computation of the date is per hour below 72 hours time period and per day over 72 hours.
An Excel file with the Raw Data is downloaded on your browser.
Computation of the date is per hour below 72 hours time period and per day over 72 hours.
Last Seen & Refresh button
The button display when was the last measurement a label showing the difference between current time & last message from gateway.
When the button is clicked, an API request is made to get latest measurements from the all the assets that are linked to the gateway. The button will be disabled for 30secs, as the new measurements takes around that time to be refreshed on the page.
Graph #1 (Energy Price, Import and Export)
The energy price (green line) is fetched 1 day ahead pricing from the European Public Organisation ENTSOE. You can find more information on the organisation here and on the data fetched here.
The energy import is a data fetched from the energy meter. On most of the energy meters, the register use is the real energy - delivered, but it can vary to one Energy Meter to another. For visibility purposes, a factor (-1) has been applied to the energy import data.
The energy export is a data fetched from the energy meter. On most of the energy meters, the register use is the real energy - consumed, but it can vary to one Energy Meter to another
Graph #2 (Power Production)
The power production graph is fetched from the energy meter and represent the flow of energy produced at a given moment.
Graph #3 (Power Drawn)
The energy production is fetched from the energy meter and represent the flow of energy drawn from the grid at a given moment.
Weather Information
A Weather Widget is automatically integrated into your Site Dashboard, depending on the localization of your gateway. It presents the weather for the current day and the following one (see screenshot below)
Weather information are fetched by an API:
Solar Irradiance Information
A Solar Irradiance Widget is automatically integrated into your Site Dashboard, depending on the localization of your gateway. It presents the solar irradiance for the current day and a comment - high/moderate/low - on how strong irradiance is (see screenshot below).
The Equipment screen display the main information for one specific asset link to your gateway (BACE). There can be several assets linked to a single gateway.
Equipment tab
This tab displays a list of equipment giving ability to toggle between different equipment type. Tab is displayed based on the availability of equipment in the installation. For example, if an energy meter does not exist in the installation, that tab is not visible to user.
Equipment KPIs and control
Each equipment displays 2-4 measurements that are the most relevant.
Each equipment tab displays one chart that is relevant to equipment. The chart is identical to the chart on the Site Dashboard screen.
Equipment parameters
On the right hand side, there is a card to display all the latest measurements related to that equipment.
Last Seen & Refresh button
The interaction & logic is identical to 3.2 Last Seen & Refresh button explained above.
Change a Mode
For equipment that are controllable, such as an Inverter, a Datamanager or a Battery, some modes are available. To change the mode of one equipment, go to your site and click on the Monitor Tab.
If you have several equipment, click on the one that can be controllable, such as an inverter.
If the equipment is controllable by the gateway, the following module with a Pen will appear:
By clicking on the Pen, the site mode screen will appear:
Clicking on 1 mode proposed will display the following screen:
By clicking Confirm, the mode selected is applied to the equipment.
Each mode is explained in the following sections.
Inverter Mode
Monitor Only
The 'Monitor Only' mode does not apply any control on the equipment and only allow to monitor the equipment via WattMaestro.
When selected, the 'Curtailment' mode will automatically turn off the production of the solar plant while the price are negative. To turn off the production of solar energy, a command is sent to change the Active Power Adjustment (register available for inverters) to 1. When the price are positive again, the Active Power Adjustment is turned back into its original state.
Load Balancing
When selected, the 'Load Balancing' mode will make sure to prevent the Site from producing more than the threshold set, using a PID Control. Load Balancing Mode is only useful if 2 sources of energy generation are used on the site. The most common case to use Load Balancing is a site with a Solar Power Plant and a Wind Turbine.
The value entered in the field "Maximum Power Site should generate (in kW)" (see screenshot below) must be the limit of Power the Site can provide at any time (set by the Grid Operator).
A Site includes 2 different sources of Energy Generation:
1 Solar Plant with a maximum of 500 kW
1 Wind Turbine with a maximum of 1000 kW
The Power Limit Generation (set by the Grid Operator) is 1200 kW.
If you have any doubt, contact your Evalan representative. More detailed information on the logic of the PID control can be found here.
Battery Mode
Monitor Only
The 'Monitor Only' mode does not apply any control on the equipment and only allow to monitor the equipment via WattMaestro.
If Optimization is selected, the following logic runs on your battery system:
Battery is discharged while the Energy price is the highest and is charged when the Energy price is the lowest. To prevent from running this logic every day, a control is made on the Delta between the highest and lowest Energy price of the day: if the difference is high enough (by default 0.1 EUR/kWh), the logic will run. If not, no control will be applied.
The Energy Price Delta, the Battery Target Charge and Discharge (ie at what value the battery will be charged or discharged) are not yet changeable in WattMaestro but can be easily changed via an admin platform. Please contact your Evalan representative or if you want to have more information on the Battery Mode and changeable settings.
The settings screen allows to configure the site.
Site Name
Site Name can be changed to a more relevant name by Owner and Contributor
Members can be added to monitor and control the equipment of the site. Only member with an already existing account on Evalan platform can be added to the platform. Contact your Evalan representative to get an access to the platform or create an account 1.2 New Account.
The following rights apply for each Member Role.
Viewer can access all data available for the site dashboard, for each equipment and can see what members are linked to the site.
Contributor has the viewer rights.
He/she can change the name of the site.
He/she can also change the site mode if applicable.
Owner has the contributor and viewer rights.
He/she can add new members to the site and change the for each member of the site.
If you have any questions on the platform, please contact your Evalan representative or
Last updated
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