
Welcome to BACE

BACE is a multipurpose device-to-cloud solution, enabling the user to measure and receive data in an easy, fast, and secure way.

Here you'll find all documentation you need to get up and integrate BACE data directly to your application. The BACE API implements REST architecture. REST is an architectural style that uses HTTP to get data through a common interface. We adhere to a unified naming convention for most endpoints, which are available through our Swagger documentation.

The BACE API allows you to

  • Configure and organize your project

  • Manage system users / devices / locations / access

  • Get measurements data & events from devices

  • and more

Want to jump right in?

Feeling like an eager beaver? Jump in to the quick start docs and get making your first request:

Quick Start

Want to deep dive?

Dive a little deeper and start exploring BACE System to get an idea of everything that's possible with the API:

System Overview

Last updated

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